Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Good and Bad Websites

The following 3 screenshots are from what I would say are some of the worst websites I have found. They are very unorganised and pixelated a lot, the colours are all over the place and the pictures are very edited in a bad way and the animations all over the place which  make it to flashy and hard to look at. The typography on these websites are not fluent and consistent and they are so hard to use and navigate through. The layout of these websites are appauling and so unorganised.

 The next three screenshots are from websites that i have considered appealing to look at and well designed. I like these three as they are easy to navigate around and also have a good graphical element to them. They use good imagery and illustrations and are a whole lot more organised than the screenshots above. I like the top one and the bottom one as they are very square and neat and uses a consistent type face which makes it all a lot easier to read. The middle one (gerald Scarfe website) I like as it portrays the artist as it consistently shows you his style of art work throughout the whole website.

John Downer - Sign Painter

John Downer is a sign painter that I heard of from the Creative Review magazine, he paints signs for all different things from advertising on posters to shop windows. I really like this work as he uses a lot of typography and experimentation with it, in this day and age not a lot of signs are painted by hand but digitally printed so this is a change for the better.

His work is very neat and crisp and he usually uses more than one font type within his posters, he mainly uses his own types of fonts that he has created but also as they are hand painted they wont ever be the same as they are hand painted. A lot of his work is colourful and manipulates his designs to make certain sections/words to stand out using colours, he also uses plain black and white and that can look interesting and different and although plain in colour it can be eye catching as a lot of poster include colour.

Overall I really like his work and his hand painting techniques, he is a very skilful painter and is good at his style of work.